EU Settlement Scheme
From 1 July 2021, EU, EEA and Swiss citizens living in the UK without having applied for pre-settled or settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme will be here unlawfully.
Those who did not apply can apply after that deadline, but they must have “reasonable grounds to apply late”.
The list of reasonable grounds for applying to the Settlement Scheme late is non-exhaustive and every case must be considered on its on merits and particular circumstances.
The guidance provided by the Home Office gives examples of situations that will “normally” be accepted as reasonable grounds for applying late and reflects the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.

Here are a few of the good reasons for applying late:
Physical or mental capacity and/or care or support needs
Victim of modern slavery
Serious medical condition or significant medical treatment
Existing limited or indefinite leave to enter or remain
Document or status under the EEA Regulations
Abusive or controlling relationship or situation
Other compelling practical or compassionate reasons
Although the Settlement Scheme deadline was 30 June 2021, the Scheme is not fully closed as those with pre-settled status need to apply to upgrade to settled status and each individual will have their own unique date to apply for Settled Status.
Whatever your circumstances, if you are not sure about your particular case or need help with your visa applications please contact MKSuri & Co for further advise.